Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.

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    • Keymaster

        What is the meaning of the proverb, ‘Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.‘?

        Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.


      • Participant

          This means that widom cannot be hidden, unlike money. Those who possess much wisdom would, against all odds, put it on display. Because wisdom is a requisite to deal with the matters of life and to solve problems, etc.

          How would King Solomon be able to hide his wisdom when he had to decide which woman’s son was the dead child and which woman’s son was the living one. He had no option but to apply wisdom.

          Since time immemorial, people have shared their wise thoughts and knowledge, contributing a great deal to the develpment and progress of this world and the world owe a lot to these wise men.

          The world owe the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Greeks, and the likes of King Solomon,  Isaac Newton, and contemporary intellectuals whose findings have helped and advanced this world – because they shared their wise thoughts.

        • Participant

            Wisdom is an abstract thing, it is not a tangible good or commodity like gold, jewelry, money, etc. that can be hidden. For the very reason that wisdom is an abstract thing, you cannot tie nor hide it.

            The proverb means that wisdom cannot be hidden; we can see wisdom all around us. The phones, the cars, the PCs, etc. we use are all expressions of wisdom.

            In the community, some people abstain from alcohol, smoking, immorality, crime, etc. and they often live a long happy life – that is an expression of wisdom.

            The good ideas, policies, plans, strategies, etc. that institutions, companies, communities,  and countries set up to increase production, ensure financial independence, ensure development, etc. are expressions or examples of wisdom.

            Wisdom is every where we turn our heads or turn our eyes to look.

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