Bateke ethnic group

The Bateke people are an ethnic group residing primarily in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. With a population of over one million, they are known for their agricultural practices and fishing skills. The Bateke people have a rich history, with their origins dating back to the 16th century. They have a hierarchical political structure, led by a chief or king, and their language is called Kibateke. The Bateke people have a diverse culture, with traditional dances and music being an integral part of their celebrations. Their staple food consists of cassava, yams, and plantains, and they have a strong belief in ancestral spirits. Notable individuals from the Bateke community include the Congolese politician Pascal Lissouba and the Congolese footballer Thievy Bifouma. The Bateke people have close ties with neighboring ethnic groups such as the Kongo and Teke.

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