French addition quiz 1-20

This is an exercise about French numbers – numbers from 1 to 20. Answer each question by choosing the correct answer from the options.

1. neuf + un =
2. dix-huit + onze =
3. deux + trois =
4. deux + dix-huit =
5. trois + dix-sept =
6. quatre + dix-sept =
7. cinq + sept =
8. six + onze =
9. sept + douze =
10. huit + quatorze =
11. dix + zéro =
12. onze + deux =
13. douze + quatre =
14. treize + trois =
15. quatorze + un =
16. quatre + trois =
17. six + deux =
18. quinze + sept =
19. seize + dix =
20. dix-sept + six =


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