Gold should be sold to the one who knows the value of it.

  • Post In: African proverbs & Quotes

    • Keymaster

        Gold should be sold to the one who knows its value.

      • Participant

          People turn to give respect to something based on how they value it. If they value it little, they will disregard it. But if they value it, they will treasure it and accord it a lot of respect.

          Generally, we all, the world, value gold. In any case, when you value something, you are willing to buy it at an expensive price. In fact, you would not buy something you do not value. And you would like to pay a very little price for something you value little. For gold to be maintained as a precious mineral, it should be highly priced, and at a high price, only those who value it would like to buy it. That is why it should be sold to such people – those who value it.

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