Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.

  • Post In: African proverbs & Quotes

    • Keymaster

        What is the meaning of the proverb, ‘Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.‘?

        Ingratitude is sooner or later fatal to its author.

      • Participant

          There are many ways of showing gratitude for the help you have receive: Eg, saying, “Thank you”, “God bless you”, etc. When a person fails to show appreciation for the help he has received, it is termed ingratitude.

          Ingratitude is like a foul smell; it put good people off, offends them, and withdraws their hands from extending help to you. Normally, ungrateful people kill their upportunities in that they ruin their chance of getting help from others whom they have offended with their ingratitude.

          The saying is true that ingratitude is fatal to its authors.

        • Participant

            Ingratitude does happen in many forms. Sometimes, it is simply the neglect of showing gratitude to a benefactor. And sometimes, the ungrateful beneficiary does his benefactor a bad turn.

            Ingratitude offenses good people so much. Whiles the good benefactor is hurt by his beneficiary’s ingratitude, the beneficiary himself is cut off from receiving any more help from the benefactor. This leads to the beneficiary’s undoing.

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