Nobody is born wise

  • Post In: African proverbs & Quotes

    • Keymaster

        What is the meaning of ‘Nobody is born wise.’?

        Nobody is born wise

      • Participant

          A wise person is someone who has wisdom. We know wisdom to be the application of knowledge. So a wise person is one who applies what he has studied or what he knows.

          This proverb ‘Nobody is born wise’ means that getting wisdom or becoming wise is a choice. Even if your parents, both mother and father, are wise, that does not automatically make you wise by birth. You choose to be wise by learning and inclining to understand your environment and applying the information you have acquired.

          However, intelligence level is hereditary. If parents are intelligent, normally, their biological children tend to be intelligent too; where intelligence is the ability to collect and store knowledge, information, etc.

          Applying this knowledge well or efficiently is what makes a person wise. Until you have learned something and have tuned your heart and mind to apply it positively, efficiently, and beneficially in your life, it cannot be said that you are wise.

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