Prostitution is the practice of trading sex or it is the practice of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. And a prostitute is a person who has sex with someone for money.
Prostitution is often connected to poverty; that is, many girls resort to prostitution because they are poor or from poor homes. Sometimes, prolonged unemployment is also viewed as a cause of prostitution. However, the cause of prostitution is not always poverty or prolonged unemployment. Always, in the abundance of jobs, some women chose prostitution; they prefer prostitution to regular jobs. It is also clear that women who seek the easy way to earn money resort to prostitution.
Prostitution is a practice regarded as sinful and abhorred by Holy Scriptures. However, some people have made it their occupation and livelihood. For some time now, policymakers have had their eyes on prostitutes and have attempted to make them pay taxes on their earnings. But to get prostitutes to pay taxes, you would have to, first, legalize their practice. It is a big misstep in my view to legalize prostitution with the hope of taxing them. Because if the revenues from gold, diamond, oil, cocoa, etc. could not develop Africa, what positive change would taxes from prostitution bring to us? What do you think?