List of island countries in Africa

Africa is home to several island countries. These countries include Madagascar, the largest island nation in Africa and the fourth largest in the world. Comoros, an archipelago located in the Indian Ocean, is another island country in Africa. São Tomé and Príncipe, situated in…

List of African Wild Cats

African cats, such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, African golden cat, African wildcat, black-footed cat, caracal, jungle cat, Sand cat, and serval are majestic creatures that inhabit the wild plains and savannahs of Africa. These cats have adapted to their environment, developing…

Himba Women

The Himba tribe women are an indigenous group living in northern Namibia. They are known for their distinct cultural practices and unique appearance. The women of the Himba tribe are recognized for their intricate hairstyles, which are created using a mixture of red ochre,

What is the Mediterranean Sea known for?

The Mediterranean Sea is a body of water that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the east and is bordered by several countries. It is surrounded by countries such as Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Greece, Turkey,