What is the meaning of being blessed by God?


  • Post In: Religious matters

    • Participant

        We all hope to be blessed by God. I found this quote of Peterburns Munyasya very interesting and educative. He said –

        Being blessed is having a great wealth of what money can’t buy in this world

        How do you also understand being blessed?

      • Participant

          Being blessed – when you say ‘I’m blessed’ or ‘You are blessed’, it is a statement to acknowledge the fact that God has favored me or favored you respectively. This is said usually in relation to success, health, family, wealth, or a job.

          It’s certainly true that the good things we receive on earth, such as comforts, joy, good outcomes, success, and the friendships we enjoy, are all unmerited blessings from God. These undeserved blessings, which God pours out on all of us through his grace, should be received with thanksgiving and praise, leading us to find joy as we glorify God through them.

          Though many people enjoy these good things in this world, not all of them acknowledge that it was God who granted them the good life and good fortune. People who do say ‘I’m blessed’ acknowledge the fact that God has given them what they have. Being blessed by God is commonly understood as receiving good things from God.

          To some being blessed by God is like receiving something good, a desired result, or exceptional comfort. Being blessed is receiving a special favor, mercy, or benefit from God.

          People regarded themselves as blessed because they got the desired outcome from a decision they made, they got a job promotion, they are prosperous in business, their families are well-to-do, they live happily with little or no trouble, they get what they want in life, etc.

          Today, being blessed is understood as being wealthy or being well-to-do or having a well-paid job, or being a successful businessman – this belief is widely held to the extent that a believer who is not financially sound cannot muster the courage to call himself blessed.

          Being blessed encompasses being a father, being a mother, enjoying good health, and enjoying a peaceful life, irrespective of your financial position in life.

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