Which animals are the most intelligent in the African jungle?

  • Post In: Wildlife & Nature

    • Keymaster

        From a well-informed source or from an educated point of view, which animal or animals are the most intelligent in the African jungle and why?

        intelligent animal in African jungle

      • Participant

          Though the African jungle has many smart animals, I would like to talk about these:


          Chimpanzees are native to sub-Saharan Africa. Research has firmly established that chimps are one of the most intelligent species on Earth. They are able to make tools of available items to use to get what they need. Chimps know and are able to use sign language. It has been discovered that adult chimpanzees do teach their young sign language which they use to communicate amongst themselves.

          Chimps exhibit certain character traits such as curiosity, violence, cooperation, and resourcefulness. They have a sense of justice and express emotions such as sorrow, joy, grief, disagreement, discontentment, etc. They are also social animals, living in large communities.

          Chimps are some of the best tool users among the animals in the jungle. in the animal kingdom. They do crack nuts with big stones and lure termites out of their mound with thin sticks to eat them.


          Bonobos are normally found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are covered in black thick hair all over, except their faces. Bonobos and chimps look alike. Some of the striking differences are that bonobos are much more friendly, non-violent, and have a reputation for being peace-loving. They are able to solve conflicts without violence.

          They are the only apes who live in a matriarchal society. Bonobos are very smart animals. In some cases, they even prove to be more intelligent than chimps.


          Elephants are the largest land animal and also have the largest brain among all lives on land. They have a complex social structure, show grief, and do show altruism, and do participate in funeral rites for their deceased relatives. Elephants also use tools such as branches to scratch themselves and drive away flies. They are also known to medicate themselves by eating medicinal leaves and the bark of trees. They have long memories, able to keep things in mind for a long time. They are found in many countries in Africa such as Ghana, Kenya, etc.

          The African Grey Parrot

          As the name suggests, they are native to the rainforests of central Africa. Through many research works conducted on these parrots, scientists equate their reasoning ability to that of a child from the ages of three to five years. These parrots are able to learn and mimic human language. Moreover, the African grey parrot is able to recognize and identify shapes and colors.

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