What herbal medicine can cure COVID-19?

  • Post In: Health matters

    • Keymaster

        One Melinda Gates, wife of billionaire Bill Gates, said,

        “Look at what is happening in Ecuador, they are putting bodies out on the streets, you are going to see that in countries in Africa,” 

        Well, that did not happen at all during the worse times of COVID-19. COVID-19 is a contagious disease that has harassed the world for years now. Though a vaccine has been made, I am thinking that, without the vaccines, what effective means would have Africans used to cure COVID-19 and save our people from dying? In other words, since the continent is rich in herbs, are there herbs or herbal concoctions that can be used to cure COVID-19 and save lives?

      • Participant

          I know this remedy can help against COVID-19. Ingredient :

          • ginger
          • nim tree
          • lime or lemon
          • nunum
          • a lot of water

          Put a lot of these ingredients together and boil them well in a big pot. When you take the pot off the fire, sit around it and let someone cover you and the pot completely with several layers of cloth – you do this so that the vapor will not escape.

          Then whiles in there, inhale as much vapor as you can. In Ghana, this method is called ‘Edur pun’. You should also drink some of the concoction in the pot hot.

          Doing this over several days, I believe, would cure COVID-19. This sort of remedy is good for treating respiratory diseases. This remedy also cures malaria.

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